FM Starter READ Me File =============================================================================== I. Overview FM Starter is utility for File Manager which is very simple, yet adds suprisingly powerful capabilities to File Manager and Program Manager. Basically, FM Starter allow you to open File Manager to a directory specified in the command line argument. Also, if "/PROMPT" is sent as the command line parameter instead of a directory name, an input box will appear which allow you to specify _any_ directory. For example, if you open File..Run and type "{path}\FMSTART.EXE C:\WINDOWS", File Manager will start and will be automatically be displaying files in the Windows directory. II. Using FM Starter The real power of FM Starter comes when you create Program Manager icons which launch FMSTART with different directories and/or drives. This allows you to have a single Program group which contains _Icons_ which represent directories. When selected, each icon will open File Manager to the directory specified in the command line parameter. On my setup, I have one group called "Files" which contains 10 icons, each one launches FMSTART.EXE but contains a different directory in the command line. Each of these icons uses the folder icon which is contained in the FMSTART.EXE file. My "Files" group contains 4 other icons: One icon labelled "[A: FLOPPY]" with the command line "{path}\FMSTART.EXE A:\". This icon uses the floppy drive icon contained in the FMSTART.EXE file. Two similar icons for my CD Rom drive and Hard Drive One icon, labelled "Other...", which calls FMSTART.EXE with the /PROMPT switch instead of a directory. This pops up a simple input box where I can enter any directory. I have included FILES.GRP with the Zip file. This is an example Program Manager group file which uses FM Starter in the manner described above. III Even Cooler with HP Dashboard While great in Program Manager, FM Starter's usefuleness is even greater when used with HP's Dashboard. Since Dashboard shows each group as a menu with each group item as it's menu items, I now have a "Files" pull-down menu with menu items for each of my most accessed directories and each of my drives. Try it, you'll like it! NOTES: FMSTART.ZIP file list FMSTART.EXE Main Executable README.TXT This file THREED.VBX Custom Control used for the 3-D style input box. This can be left in the same dir as FMSTART.EXE, or better yet copied to your Windows system directory. Make sure not to copy this over a newer version. VBRUN300.DLL VB run time library. Same directory requirements as THREED.VBX above. FILES.GRP Sample Program Manager group file. Copy this to c:\WINDOWS, then create a new group using this as the group file in Program Manager. FMSTART requires THREED.VBX, which is included in the .ZIP file FMSTART is Freeware. I wrote it very quickly, but plan to expand on the concept. Please send any suggestions you might have that could help improve FM Starter. Also, please let me know if you are enjoying it or have any other comments or suggestions. If File Manager is already open when FMSTART.EXE is called, it will be closed, then relaunched. Ben Dean